Josh Sud

Josh Sud

Returning as Associate, Toronto

Law School
Queen's University
University of Western Ontario

Josh believes a lawyer must be an effective communicator, able to translate complex legal information into a message someone without legal training can understand.

He looks forward to the opportunity to work on complex commercial real estate matters, building on his past student experience with a small firm focused on real estate law.

What experience, job or internship have you learned the most from or found most rewarding?

Working with the Queen’s Business Law Clinic was especially rewarding. It was a real pleasure to use my education to help those who would otherwise have difficulty obtaining, or would not be able to afford, legal services.

Whom do you most admire?

My zaidy (grandfather). He survived the Holocaust as a teenager and moved here from Poland at the end of World War II. He came here with nothing and built a life for himself and his family.

Tell us something about yourself or your family.

My mother is a quadruplet!