Sarah V. Powell


Sarah V. Powell

Sarah V. Powell


Bar Admissions
  • Ontario, 1993

“Sarah Powell is a wizard on environmental matters.”
Client – Chambers Global

Sarah uses her thorough understanding of evolving issues in environmental and energy law to provide clients with practical, concise advice. She works with clients – both directly and as a member of Davies’ transaction teams – to evaluate environmental and social risks in Canadian and international deals.

Mining, renewable energy and Indigenous issues are significant areas of focus. Sarah is also very successful at advocating before administrative tribunals regarding permitting for infrastructure, resource development and manufacturing projects.

Sarah is deeply involved in the development and reform of Canadian environmental law and has held many leadership roles in prominent legal and business organizations. She is also a former member of our Management Committee.

Sarah V. Powell


“Sarah Powell is a wizard on environmental matters.”
Client – Chambers Global

Sarah uses her thorough understanding of evolving issues in environmental and energy law to provide clients with practical, concise advice. She works with clients – both directly and as a member of Davies’ transaction teams – to evaluate environmental and social risks in Canadian and international deals.

Mining, renewable energy and Indigenous issues are significant areas of focus. Sarah is also very successful at advocating before administrative tribunals regarding permitting for infrastructure, resource development and manufacturing projects.

Sarah is deeply involved in the development and reform of Canadian environmental law and has held many leadership roles in prominent legal and business organizations. She is also a former member of our Management Committee.
