Julien Morin

Julien Morin

Stagiaire, Montréal

Law School
Université de Montréal
Champlain College

Julien chose Davies because each member of the firm – whether a student, stagiaire or young lawyer – is given meaningful work and allowed to contribute to a successful outcome.

Julien’s background in commerce has given him a deep understanding of all aspects of a company’s operations as well as the workings of the economy at both a national and a global level.

What surprised you most about Davies during the interview process?

I was pleasantly surprised by the relaxed aspect of the interviews. I was expecting a very formal process, but I noticed that the interviewers at Davies were very cordial and the lawyers were really interested in getting to know the candidate.

Is there an organization that means a lot to you?

The Legal Clinic of Greater Montréal, which provides people in need with access to quality legal information. I am very attached to it, having worked there as a student, and I think it is an essential service for people who cannot afford a lawyer.

Whom have you learned the most from personally or professionally?

Professionally, the person who taught me the most was one of my CEGEP teachers. He taught me that the decisions you make when you are young (between the ages of 18 and 25) will have the greatest impact on the rest of your life and career.