Jessie Cartoon

Jessie Cartoon

Returning as Associate, Toronto

Law School
University of Toronto
McMaster University

As a graduate of McMaster University’s Arts & Sciences program, Jessie explored a wide variety of subjects, making her well-suited to tackle the diversity of work that a legal career demands.

She chose Davies because our generalist approach affords the opportunity to explore numerous areas of the law while also focusing on those to which she is most drawn.

Is there a practice area or industry in which you are particularly interested?

Labour and Employment Law is a marriage of contract law, my favourite core legal discipline, and the real-world issue of work, which everyone encounters in daily life. In my third year of law school, I will be doing an employment law and academic appeals clinic through Downtown Legal Services.

If you were not a lawyer, what career would you have chosen?

A math professor. During all three years of law school, I have been teaching math at George Brown College, which has enabled me to develop my critical thinking and communication skills, as well as my confidence and ability to be an effective independent worker.

Whom have you learned the most from personally or professionally?

My father, who came to Canada with a $20 bill and successfully built a company alongside my grandfather. He teaches me the importance of tenacity, hard work and ambition.