Dispute Resolution

If you’re confronted with a bet-the-company lawsuit or navigating a high-stakes contested merger, losing isn’t an option. We marshal the right team to strategize, fight and win your battle – in the courtroom or behind closed doors – and help keep your business plans on target.

Whatever your litigation challenge, we understand what you’re up against and how seriously the issues can affect your business. Backed by seasoned perspective and a well-established winning track record, we tailor a team with precisely the right expertise and experience to tackle the task at hand. And then we work seamlessly with your organization – and, if called for, with counsel elsewhere in Canada and internationally – to achieve the best possible resolution.

We regularly take cases to trial and to appellate courts across the country, including provincial courts of appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. Spanning industries, sectors and borders, we win for our clients in every level of court, as well as in administrative tribunals and before domestic and international arbitral panels. Our trial-tested lawyers have one goal in mind: your success.

Representative Work

Allstate Insurance Company of Canada, 2024

Acting as co-counsel to Allstate Insurance Company of Canada in defence of a class action seeking statutory overtime, vacation and holiday pay on behalf of thousands of current and former Allstate employees.

Newmont Mining Corporation (now known as Newmont Corporation) and other defendants, 2024

Acted for Newmont Mining Corporation, Fronteer Gold Inc. and its founder Mark O’Dea in a successful defence against a claim for over C$1.2 billion in damages and other relief asserted by Jacqui Safra and his holding company, NWG Investments Inc. Safra alleged fraud and misrepresentation concerning a transaction in which Fronteer acquired a mineral exploration company he founded and controlled. Safra’s claim was commenced after the newly formed Government of Nunatsiavut imposed a moratorium on uranium mining in April 2008. Justice Steele of the Superior Court of Ontario dismissed the claim on the grounds of delay in August 2023. Mr. Safra’s appeal from the decision of Justice Steele was dismissed from the bench by the Court of Appeal for Ontario in May 2024.