Dec. 19, 2024 - Despite a strong start to the year, activist activity in Canada in 2024 tapered to pre-pandemic levels. This reversion to more historic annual totals follows a notable resurgence of shareholder demands directed at Canadian public companies in 2023, when shareholder engagement reached its...
Davies Recognized as “Simply Elite” in The Legal 500 Canada
The 2017 edition of The Legal 500 Canada has recognized Davies for its “simply elite” lawyers and “client-focused team players” with rankings in 14 categories, including Tier 1 rankings in the following:
- Capital Markets
- Competition and Antitrust
- Corporate and M&A
- Dispute Resolution: Québec
- Infrastructure and Projects
- Tax
In addition, the following 22 Davies partners have been named leading lawyers in their respective areas of practice:
- George Addy (Competition and Antitrust)
- William Ainley (Corporate and M&A)
- Robert Bauer (Infrastructure and Projects, Real Estate)
- John Bodrug (Competition and Antitrust)
- William Brock (Dispute Resolution: Québec)
- Ian Crosbie (Tax)
- Guy Du Pont (Dispute Resolution: Québec, Tax)
- Adam Fanaki (Competition and Antitrust)
- Sandra Forbes (Dispute Resolution: Ontario)
- Gregory Howard (Real Estate)
- Vincent Mercier (Corporate and M&A)
- Patricia Olasker (Capital Markets, Corporate and M&A)
- Carol Pennycook (Banking and Finance, Infrastructure and Projects)
- Alexandria Pike (Environment)
- Sarah Powell (Environment)
- Franziska Ruf (Capital Markets)
- Joel Scoler (Banking and Finance)
- Jay Swartz (Restructuring and Insolvency)
- Pierre-André Themens (Real Estate)
- Kent Thomson (Dispute Resolution: Ontario)
- John Ulmer (Tax)
- Nicholas Williams (Banking and Finance, Infrastructure and Projects)
Updated annually, The Legal 500 assesses the strengths of law firms in 106 jurisdictions, on the basis of feedback from 250,000 clients worldwide, submissions from law firms and interviews with leading private practice lawyers.
Federal Court of Appeal Confirms CRA Can Collect Arrears Interest Despite Absence of a Tax Debt
Dec. 04, 2024 - The Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) recently dismissed the Bank of Nova Scotia’s (BNS) appeal and upheld the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) practice of charging arrears interest on a non-existent tax debt where audit adjustments increase taxable income that is offset by the carryback of a loss...