
GSK / BELLUS Health Is Named Impact Deal of the Year

The 2024 LMG Life Sciences Awards has named BELLUS Health’s US$2-billion sale to GSK as an Impact Deal of the Year (for the Americas).

LMG Life Sciences nominates key legal players in the life sciences industry and recognizes their most outstanding work in this field. We appreciate this recognition and thank our clients for entrusting us with their most important matters.

The Davies team that acted for BELLUS Health includes Sébastien Roy, Steven Cutler, Amélie Doyon, Ryan Brun and Noah Abitbol (Corporate and Public M&A); Brian Bloom and Taj Kudhail (Tax); Charles Tingley and Dajena Pechersky (Competition, Antitrust and Foreign Investment); Hélène Bussières (Employment, Labour and Executive Compensation); Louis-Martin O’Neill and Faiz Lalani (Dispute Resolution).


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