Andréanne Labonté

Andréanne Labonté

Stagiaire, Montréal

Law School
Université de Montréal
McGill University, BComm, Accounting

Andréanne believes her background in accounting will serve her well in understanding the concerns and financial needs of corporate clients.

During her studies at the Faculty of Law of the Université de Montréal, she received the François-Chevrette and Lord Reading Law Association prizes for excellence in Constitutional Law 1 and 2.

Is there a practice area or industry in which you are particularly interested?

I am particularly interested in investment fund formation, venture capital and private equity because of my internship in the legal affairs department at an asset management firm. These are areas that are growing exponentially and it will be exciting to be able to participate in their development.

What surprised you most about Davies during the interview process?

While it wasn’t a surprise per se, I particularly liked the collegiality among the lawyers and their authenticity. The culture of Davies was very apparent during the interview process, which made it much more enjoyable and made my decision an easy one.

If you were not a lawyer, what career would you have chosen?

I probably would have chosen to become an auditor which would have allowed me to apply my investigation skills in observation, research and critical thinking. Alternatively, because of my passion for cooking and baking, I might have pursued a culinary course in order to open a café and serve my creations.