Jason Stephanian

Jason Stephanian

Returning as Associate, Toronto

Law School
Dalhousie University
University College, University of Toronto

Jason is inspired by bringing together people who believe their differences are irreconcilable.

Intrigued by the intersection of law and technology, he is excited by the opportunity to find solutions to complicated issues and discover opportunities that new technologies present.

Is there an organization that means a lot to you?

Suits U, the organization I was president of while an undergraduate student. Many students would come to us looking for affordable professional attire for the first interview of their careers. I could see first-hand the number of students it helped.

What experience, job or internship have you learned the most from or found most rewarding?

My work at the Ontario Human Rights Commission. It was incredibly rewarding to work on files that had a concrete and substantial impact on the lives of so many Ontarians.

Whom do you most admire?

My brother. He is a nurse and started his career shortly before COVID-19 began to consume our lives in Canada. He has shown incredible leadership and strength by going into work every day during the pandemic and continuing to learn new skills to further develop his career.