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Sarah Powell Discusses Ottawa’s New Environmental Regime in Canadian Lawyer

In the April edition of Canadian Lawyer (available to subscribers), Davies partner Sarah Powell gives her perspective on the federal government’s proposed environmental overhaul introduced in February.

Sarah believes there needs to be more clarity about what companies behind major energy projects will need to do in the future to receive government approval. “Proponents are not looking for an easy ride but a clear ride. On first blush, there is nothing here that will encourage investment in Canada,” she remarked.

One aspect of the legislation that seems to be receiving praise is the commitment to more government involvement at an early stage, which Sarah notes has not occurred in the past. “We haven’t seen the Crown willing to do that. The challenge now with the new agency is will it step in and make sure the early planning is adequate? They will need expertise and resources. None of it will matter if you don’t have boots on the ground,” she said.


Davies Comments on First Proposed Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards

June 10, 2024 - Davies recently submitted a comment letter in response to public consultations initiated by the Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) regarding their draft sustainability and climate disclosure standards, which aim to set a new benchmark for the disclosure of sustainability-related...